ICT Sustainability Seminar helps enterprises boost total competitiveness

Co-hosted by Taiwan Center for Corporate Sustainability (TCCS), Association of Taiwan Net Zero Emissions (ATNZE) and Taiwan Alliance for Net Zero Emission (TANZE), the “Seminar series for improving enterprise sustainability competitiveness” invites the representatives of famous Taiwan ICT companies as the instructors on December 21 (Wed). Featuring themes in “Sustainability x Telecommunication x Decentralization), the seminars discuss how to integrate digital application capability under the fast development of sustainability trends so as to make progress in corporate sustainability.

TECOM CO., Ltd. deputy director Zheng-Shuan Hong focuses on “Equipment Health and Carbon Reduction,” introducing the ESG management platform of TECOM through a few decades of industry experience and how to optimize the software and hardware equipment, as well as meeting carbon reduction effect through equipment health and efficiency. 

Sustaihub CEO Zheng-Bei Li brings the topics of “Integration and Application Through AI Technology and ESG Report”, showing how enterprises introduce the development of AI technology, combined with ESG report or relevant publications, to upgrade the enterprise’s direction of sustainability strategies. Moreover, under the scarcity or ESG professional talents, the help from AI technology can help enterprises meet their goals. 

DIF Ltd. CEO Zhong-Xiang Yang introduces “How Telecommunication Industry Moves Towards Sustainable Management.” Combining the domestic and international trends and technology development, CEO Yang provides a large number of actual cases and analyses so that participating members can acquaint themselves with the digital applications of different industries at all levels, planning the sustainable management context of each company and upgrading the corporate sustainable competitiveness. 

The intermediate managers of all member enterprises and professional personnel will be invited to this series of seminars for improving corporate sustainable competitiveness, in an attempt to upgrade the member enterprises in the recognition and trends for sustainability related ICT and help Taiwan enterprises to make further progress in the performance of sustainability. 

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